Sunday, May 15, 2011

Love !!!!!!!!!!!

People say we're all too young to know what love truely is. To know how it feels to be in love with someone. But to each of us, love is something different. It's something spectacular. It's something that fills your heart and soul with happiness and joy. It's when you feel like you are going to be with that person forever. It's when you feel so safe when you talk to them and you get butterflies in your stomach everytime you think about them. But for me, love is something I feel with everything in me. I feel as if I'm in love, and I believe it. You don't need to tell me what love is because we all have a different perspective of love. No matter if you're 75 or 7, or anywhere inbetween. Love to me is when you can't stop smiling when you're talking to that person, and when you're talking to them it feels like it's just the two of you on the entire earth and no one else is there to bother you. It's when you feel so safe with them, when you feel safe just holding their hand or laying together, or even talking to them on the phone til' late hours of the night. When you fall asleep talking to each other on the phone everynight, and you can't fall asleep unless you hear their voice. When you make little silly nicknames for each other and call one another by them. It's when you sing "your" song to them. It's when you can be yourself around that person and never care what they think, because you know they won't judge you. The can see you at your best and at your worst. When you take care of each other and make sure they're okay even when they just cough. Love is a magnificent thing. Love is something we all can experience. We all will at one time or another in our lives.

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