Friday, October 14, 2011

i m u

I miss you so much, I need you right now
I try to stay strong but some days I just don’t know how.
The weeks seem like months, and months like years.
I try to hold them back, but down flow the tears.
I keep myself busy through out the day
And when I am alone at night I just pray.
I pray you stay safe while your serving over seas.
At night while I sleep I see you in my dreams.
I think of happier times when you were here
When I could kiss your lips and hold you near.
I miss your smile and your warm embrace
When I see your name on the caller ID my heart begins to race.
Your in all that I see and everything I do
I cant wait till you come back and its just me and you.
So baby stay strong and I will do the same
Because to give up on a love like this would just be a shame.

I love you so much baby!

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