Monday, October 10, 2011

A BrOkeN ReLaTioN ...



A BrOkeN ReLaTioN ...

The relations will never be same once broken and the very slightest disturbance causes a great damage.  Once a relationship breaks the differences may take a very long time to clear ... or may stay forever, just like the cracks on a mirror.  Every time we look into the mirror the crack reminds us of the past and nips our thoughts.  

I'm sure it takes a great deal to overcome the downbeat feeling that got imprinted on the heart, because the very same damp feeling weakens your optimistic attitude towards keeping up the relation alive.  We fight for money, lifeless things and many other over relations, its because at that time we lay the importance of the relationship behind, we fail to think ... we fail to be patient ... we fail to make a right choice … we fail to use the right words and we fail to set our priority. 

I totally agree that at that instant the circumstances just take place as they are not intended.  But, no matter what the instances are… before any misunderstandings arise, just a minute of thinking … a bit of patience … a nice word … and more importantly … putting the significance of that relationship in front  …caring for it will indeed help us save our relations … be it Friendship … Love … or Marriage.

I have experienced that the relations will never be same once broken unless you truly care for it and i have learnt that it's the choice of priority that we give to a relationship and they do not have a meaning if you do not mean it. 

The only force that can stop your relationship with anyone from breaking is YOU.

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